Orchestra continues Valentine’s Day tradition


The LRHS Chamber Orchestra made their way to the Townridge Square Chick-Fil-A on February 14 to perform for fast-food patrons. The Valentine’s Day music has become a tradition for the Chamber Orchestra as well as for the Chick-Fil-A venue, which borders Glenwood Avenue.

The orchestra established this custom in 2008, and the management has encouraged their annual return, which draws more customers to the restaurant and promotes the orchestra program at the same time.

“I think people enjoyed it,” said Genevieve Haskell, violinist. “It’s a good way to advertise… to make us look authentic.”

In order to begin performing in time for the LRHS C-lunch crowd, orchestra students left class during A lunch at 11:15, staying for performances of recognizable music like Disney’s “Pocahontas” and “Pirates of the Caribbean,” as well as “I Dreamed a Dream” from the musical Les Miserables.

“It’s a nice casual break from the usual formal performances we do like our concerts and competitions,” said Emmanuel Shiferaw, Chamber Orchestra member. “Plus, we get free food.”

Helen Meskhidze, junior, took the opportunity during C lunch to see the performance. “I know so many people in the orchestra that were playing there and wanted to show my support for the program,” said Meskhidze. “I think it’s a really great contribution to the community and all the people there seemed to really love listening to it.”

Next Valentine’s Day, the Chamber Orchestra plans yet again to grace Chick-Fil-A with their two hours of classical music and string orchestra-arranged popular music.

“Nothing says ‘I love you’ like chicken sandwiches and classical music,” said Shiferaw. Next year, take him up on his advice, and drop in to hear what has become a valued tradition among orchestra members.


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