Mrs. Diane Covington’s chorus classes sung us into the holiday season with their concert on Friday, December 2 in the Leesville Road High School Auditorium.
The first show started at 4:30 and last about an hour and a half, the second started at 7:30 and lasted just as long.
Covington directed the show while Megan Yohman, an elementary school music director and alumni from Leesville, accompanied on the piano.
Dave Albert, Leesville’s band teacher from 1993-2011, also accompanied on the drums.
The first show sold out, and the chorus students filed onto stage to a full house.
The show opened with every single choral student, beginning to Capital Pride, processing in holding candles and singing “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.”
The beginning chorus then sang three songs, the final and catchiest song being “Sweet Singing in the Choir” by Crocker. Beginning chorus is always shaky and this was no exception; however, their songs were well practised and all in all a joy to listen to.
All the women in choir then sang “There Is No Rose” by Stroope. Elizabeth Perry, senior, accompanied on the flute. The female choir voices of Leesville combined to create a melodious, relaxing song, and the delivery was perfect. “There Is No Rose” is a difficult choral song to sing, yet it flowed seamlessly.
Next, the Intermediate Chorale sang. Their best, and also last, song was “Take Me To The Water” by Dilworth. This catchy song energized the audience, and they clapped along.
Kristi Brown, Shelbi Flanagan, Nicole Niedrich and Noel Hilyer then sang Christmas Chopsticks by the Sweet Adelines.
Next the men’s combined voices sang “Run To The Manger” by Shaw. Gabriel Ingram, Victor Walker and Matthew Cesari each had solos.
Capital Pride, Leesville’s honor chorus, was the last group to sing. They wowed the audience with “Hodie Christus Natus Est” by Sweelinck, “Carol of the Bells” by Shaw, “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” by Huff, “Ngesi Ponono” which is a South African Folksong and “Loch Lomond” by Quick.
A few of their songs were accompanied by endearing hand motions and body movements.
Finally, every student sang together in two triumphant songs: Sleigh Ride by Anderson and the Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah by Handel.
“I think it was interesting to see how everything came together. Like some of our songs literally came together on stage–we owe it all to Mrs. Covington.” said Brooks Jordan, senior and Capital Pride Member. “The concert was a true success.”
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