Why museums are important

The metropolitan museum of art in New York City is one of the most famous museums in the United States. With several exhibits and collections, you can explore an array global cultures at your own pace.
The metropolitan museum of art in New York City is one of the most famous museums in  the United States. With several exhibits and collections, you can explore an array global cultures at your own pace.
The metropolitan museum of art in New York City is one of the most famous museums in the United States. With several exhibits and collections, you can explore an array global cultures at your own pace.

Older generations interact differently with culture than teens. We tend to associate age and time with slower, wiser people, making deliberate actions more suitable for the tired minds of the older population.

Teens, on the other hand, want fast, convenient information at their fingertips. They rarely choose  to stop and think. And so it’s no surprise that 10% of teens have reported being diagnosed with anxiety disorders. We have reached the limit of our minds’ ability– it’s time to slow down.

It’s time to learn from our wise elders and join in on their softer, calmer ways of interacting with culture. One of the most effective ways of doing so is through museums.

If you’ve ever stepped inside a museum, then you understand the quiet atmosphere and overall slower experience. It is an interesting, soothing way of relieving stress. And if you’re in highschool, then you understand why you should place value on any stress-relievers you can find.

Museums are filled with secrets and stories ready to be lost in. How many times have you begged for an opportunity to just get away from it all? Museums are one of the best, on a budget, ways of doing so.

When you think about spending time with family and friends, a trip to the museum doesn’t first come to mind. But a lot of exhibits are fun for the whole family and some are free.

Artifacts and explanations are key to not just learning the story, but experiencing it. And experience is the simplest way to learn about other people and put yourself in new situations.

A museum, with its exhibits, artifacts and simulations, is a gentler learning method that our overworked mind needs.



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