Three Leesville teachers leaving next year

Three of Leesville’s teachers have announced they will not be returning for next school year: Mrs. Fishbane, Ms. Spransy, and Mr. Wertich.

Mrs. Fishbane is a World History and Honors Psychology teacher. Fishbane started her teaching career at Leesville and has been here for the past four years.

Fishbane decided it was time to take her career path in a different direction to better suit her personal life. “I love teaching. However, at the end of the day, I feel so drained. I try to give my all to my students, but unfortunately I usually feel that I don’t have much left in me at the end of the day when I get home. It has been hard to truly give my best to my family and friends and feel successful in my personal life,” said Fishbane.

Teaching conditions were also a main reason that contributed to her decision of departure. Recent changes by the North Carolina legislature has caused many teachers to leave their jobs. “I feel that the state of North Carolina could do a lot better showing teachers that they are valued. Teachers are asked to do more and more with less and less. Unfortunately, they are very rarely commended for their work in any genuine way,” said Fishbane.

After the school year is over, Fishbane plans to work with her husband and try out investing in properties. Although Fishbane is excited to try her hand at different jobs, she will greatly miss Leesville. “[My students] have made me a better person and have brought joy and happiness to my life each and every day. They are what make teaching a rewarding experience, and they are what I will genuinely miss as I embark on this new adventure,” said Fishbane.

Ms. Spransy also started her teaching career at Leesville and has been here for three years. This semester Spransy is teaching World History and African American History of Culture. She has also taught Civics and Economics and Honors Law and Justice in the past years.

Spransy is putting her teaching career on hold to experience a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. “I am pursuing my dreams to travel the world. I am taking a full year to be out of the country. My best friend and I are going to go to all of the continents except for Antarctica,” said Spransy.

Spransy will be returning to teaching after her trip, but where she will end up as a teacher is unknown as of right now. “I love teaching. I love Leesville very much. If I am going to teach in the United States, it would be at Leesville. I am interested in teaching internationally. I’ve done it before, and I thought it was really cool. Now I’m qualified to get an even better job doing that, so I might look into that.

Mr. Wertich, the head girls basketball coach, is in his third year working at Leesville but his 37th year teaching. Wertich taught for 20 years in Illinois and has also been a teacher in Florida and Chapel Hill.
Wertich is currently a Graduate Point teacher at Leesville, but over the other 37 years he has taught a variety of classes. “Over the years I’ve taught Physical Education, Drivers Ed, a work studies program, and I did In School Suspension my first year here,” said Wertich.

After almost four decades of teaching, Wertich is ready to retire. “It’s just time. I’ve done it long enough. I have some other things I want to do: I want to travel, I want to play more golf, I want to help my wife with her business, and its just time to do something different after all [these] years,” said Wertich.

Each have impacted the other teachers and students at Leesville. Even though they haven’t been working here for too long, they will always be a part of the Pride family. We wish them all luck with their future plans outside the halls of Leesville.


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