Seniors complete senior wall

The senior wall displays a creative design, making it an empowering statement on school grounds. A group of seniors worked strenuously for two weeks to complete the wall. Photo Courtesy of Jonathan Spear.

This summer, the senior class of 2016 continued the nine-year tradition of creating a senior wall. The wall greets students, teachers, and visitors alike, with a powerful and fearless vibe.

The purpose of this year’s senior wall is to make an impressive and inspirational statement on the Pride campus. The wall features a fierce lion, surrounded by lightning and the slogan “We Are Lightning, We Are Pride”. The ‘I’ and ‘G’ in the word ‘Lightning’ were designed to appear like the numbers one and six, to represent the graduating year of the senior class.

This year’s senior painters had high standards to live up from previous years, and the goal was to make the wall look motivational, especially for the beloved football games. “We wanted it to look powerful for the games, this is what the team sees when they come through into the stadium,” said senior Rachel Jessup, senior painter.

However, the wall was not created with ease. The process of planning, preparing and painting the wall took about two weeks and was labor intensive.

“First we created the design and then we had to pick the color schemes…Then we went to Lowe’s to pick out the colors. We then primed the wall and gridded the design onto the wall. After that, we began painting,” explained Gabriel Castro, another senior who volunteered to be apart of this creation.

According to Castro, there are only a few qualifications needed to paint the wall. The students selected must be seniors and have pleasing artistic ability.

The senior wall is an exquisite part of Leesville Road High School, and this year’s senior class achieved an admirable portrayal of what this school represents: The prideful spirit and strong charisma of the student body.


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