Leesville Students Register for AP Exams

Isabel Daumen turns in her AP Exam Registration form to Student Services in the morning before school started. The form can be found on the Leesville website.

In May, students participating or have participated in an Advanced Placement class have the opportunity to take the AP exam correlating with their past or current classes. Registration for these exams are taking place between February 1 to 24. In order to register, students should visit the Leesville Exam Registration page. After the form is filled out, the student needs to print it out and turn it into Student Services before school, during SMART lunch or after school. Any registrations that are turned in after February 24 will not be valid.

The AP Exam is free for all Leesville students registering for courses offered and taken at Leesville. Exams for courses not offered at Leesville will cost $93. Students will take their exam(s) on a pre-set date May 1-5 or May 8-12, 2017. Exact exam dates can be found here.

Taylor White is a sophomore who took an AP United States and Government class last semester. “I’m kind of nervous considering I took the class in the fall and the exam is in the spring…I plan to prepare for the exam by taking practice exams and reading different practice exam books I have gotten that will give me different tips and tricks [for taking the exam],” said White.

To help students in a similar situation as White, teachers have scheduled review sessions. Leslie Lamberth, fall AP Environmental Science teacher, said “We posted a schedule of after school or possibly SMART lunch sessions starting in March that [the students] can come to…before the AP Exam.”

All student should be on the lookout for review sessions for all AP classes to ensure success. Students can find or hear about  information through an announcement over the intercom, the scrolling announcements in the library and through the teachers themselves.


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