New Club Inspires Students Interested in Medical Professions

Sierra Hunt views a packet that Susan Ennis passed out with information regarding the Health Occupations Students of America club. The new club held an interest meeting in hopes of encouraging more students to join. (Photo courtesy of Hannah Comeskey)

On September 8, students that are interested in pursuing a profession in the medical field after college met in Susan Ennis’ room for Leesville’s very first Health Occupations Students of America interest meeting. While the club is new to Leesville, it is present among the state, national, and international levels.

Since the Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA for short) is a new club to Leesville, they are still trying to gather members and students who may be interested in holding an officer position. Something unique about the club is that it is primarily a student led organization– providing an incredible leadership role not only for the club officers but also for the members of the club who have the opportunity to think critically in a less guided environment.

The club was created to help students who are interested in having a medical profession to really start thinking about their future and possibly what branch of medicine they might want to focus on. The meeting was almost a call to action meant to encourage students to really start thinking about life after their school years. The club also provides time for students to do more research about various professions and delve deeper into the exact role of each job.  

“I wanted to join the HOSA club because I wanted to get more involved in the school and I felt like it would help me learn more about what I want to do in the future,” said Sierra Hunt, member of HOSA.

Not only does the club encourage students to start thinking about their futures, it also has them actively engaged in the world of health through competitions.The first competition that Leesville HOSA members will be attending is on October 31. There are a variety of different kinds of activities that could be performed at the competitions based on what area you are interested in– ranging from giving a speech in front of judges to completing a task relating to the subject that you are entered in.

“[I most look forward to] the competitions because I think they can really determine what my strengths are,” said Hunt.

If you missed the interest meeting but still want to join the club, the first official meeting will be October 6 during A lunch in Mrs. Ennis’s room, 1301. Following that meeting, the club will meet on the first friday of every month during A lunch. Any questions about the club can be answered by Mrs. Ennis or by visiting the HOSA website.


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