Leesville Green in More Ways than One

In 2004, Wake County Public School System teamed up with Child Nutrition Services and began the FEED THE BIN program.

Leesville Road High School has participated in the program since the beginning. Green bins and “What to feed the bin” signs were distributed to each classroom, making recycling as easy as dropping trash into an open bin.

Several other schools have participated in the program including Millbrook, Sanderson and Enloe. However, Leesville Road High recycled the most out of everyone in the 2008-09 school year- 28,141 pounds of paper to be exact.

Dr. Dennis Dubay is the A.P. Environmental teacher at Leesville and has a PhD in Biology from Emory University. He offers extra credit to encourage his students to stay after school and help recycle, which clearly entices several A.P. students to partake in the opportunity.

“He’s really passionate about recycling and wants to save the earth,” said Alexa McMahon, junior, of her first time participating in the program.

“I do it to recycle and help out the planet, but the extra credit definitely makes it worthwhile,” said McMahon.

Mrs.Heather Ziady directs several students with most of the Leesville Road High School recycling.

“All we did was ask the teacher if we could help recycle, and we could,” said one of Mrs. Ziady’s students. “I asked to help because I want to save trees and make the planet safer,” said the student.

“Mrs. Ziady and her students do the bulk of the recycling. They pick up from almost all classrooms every Thursday. Earth and environmental science students only pick up offices and trailers,” said Dr. Dubay.

Regardless, Leesville’s efforts to help save the planet are much appreciated.

“I’m proud of our student body. Having recycled the most shows we care about the environment and reveals what kind of students we have at Leesville,” said Will Bowers, junior AP Environmental student, and participant in Dr. Dubay’s after school recycling.

The green recycling bins in each classroom coordinate well with our Loonie Pride, and we’ve done a good job of demonstrating it. Keep up the green work!

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