The week of October 12 through the 16 is spirit week, the kickoff for the Homecoming game and dance. Almost all of Leesville show their spirit with wild outfits, hair and some props. Every year, spirit week pumps up our school for an exciting pep rally and football game.
Lumberjack day started the week with a sea of plaid shirts, work boots and even a fake axe. “My favorite part about today was being able to rock these phat Timberlands,” said Chandler Brown, junior.

Tuesday’s theme was the annual tie dye day. Everyone dressed in homemade colorful shirts, sweats and socks. Hippie-like headbands and jewelry also were shown off. “ I loved skipping out on my homework to make my shirt and socks,” said Rachel Meyers, junior. “Plus, I get to wear my high waters too!”
Many of Leesville’s students did not have to change much for Wednesday’s preppy day. Ralph Lauren, Brooks Brothers and J. Crew clothing were seen even more than usual.
Rich Frost, senior, dressed in seven polo shirts and very short shorts; he also wore a sign taped to his shirts that read ‘Broughton Pep Squad’ and underneath said, ‘Sgo caps’ mimicking Broughton cheerleaders.
Thursday’s movie day was the most diverse of the week. Characters from GI Joe to Juno arrived at school. “I figured no one would dress as Wilma, so that’s why I did,” said Lindsay Nicholson, freshman, who wore a Wilma costume from the Flintstones on Thursday.
Many outfits were very scary, like Jacob Evan’s, senior joker ensemble. When asked about his favorite part of movie day he responded, “I love walking down the halls and having everyone stop and stare at me, plus I scared some freshmen.”
Countless students and staff showed their pride by participating in Friday’s “Green Out.” Along with the masses of Loonies’ shirts, the seniors sported their crowns. Some were covered in rhinestones while others played music or had Christmas lights, all very flashy. The “Green Out” was the perfect way to end the week and get the whole school excited for a great pep rally and Homecoming game.
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