On a seemingly normal Monday morning, Gene Kim was shocked to discover that his artwork had been stolen from the lobby where it had been proudly displayed for two weeks.
Enraged, Kim questioned his art teacher, Ms. Stevens, to see if she knew the whereabouts of his creation. Stevens claimed to have seen the painting hanging in the lobby not thirty minutes before Kim discovered it missing.
Joined by a battalion of equally ticked off artists, Kim scoured the school for his cherished artwork. When his search was deemed fruitless, he and his posse stormed the front office and inquired about the security cameras to see if they could have captured the thief on film. The students were disappointed to learn that the camera was facing an adjacent hallway and could not have caught the thief red-handed.
Alissa Locke, junior, had the most recent sighting of the painting. “Yeah, it was laying face up in the grass right outside the locker rooms… I picked it up and took it inside to show everybody because I thought it was really cool.”
Locke, apparently not knowing how Kim treasured his work, left the painting in the locker room and has not seen it since.
“I really hope he finds it,” said Locke, now seeming worried. “It was a pretty ballin’ painting.”
Miraculously enough, the painting was still in the locker room the next day. Locke, accompanied by her friend Grace Harvey, returned it to Ms. Steven’s art room. Kim was happily reunited with his beloved work later that day.
“It’s a little beat up,” said Kim of the painting’s condition. “Some moron folded it up, and it’s all smudged because of the wet grass outside the locker room. Once I restore it, it’ll be good as new.”
When asked if he would ever display his artwork in the hallways again, Kim was hesitant. “I mean, I want people to see my work because I’m proud of it and all, but if someone has it out for me, I’d just be making the same mistake twice.”
A wave of relief swept over the Loonies when the painting was returned… but a wary essence hangs in the halls. Apparently there is a thief among us….
Virginia Reed is a superb writer and an even better friend. She enjoys unhealthy foods and writing sarcastic articles. Virginia is the Online Editor for the 2011-12 school year and was a Managing Editor for the 2010-11 year but has not forgotten her humble beginnings as a staff writer when she was a wee sophomore. Her goals for the future are to get an A in newspaper and to apply to college in a timely fashion.
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