Thirty Seniors Still Completing Graduation Project

gradThe 2010 seniors were overjoyed when they found out that the Graduation Project was no longer mandatory. However, approximately thirty seniors are still completing the project despite it being optional.

The Graduation Project required a large time commitment so many seniors chose not to complete it. “The time needed to complete the Graduation Project outweighed the benefits of completion due to the fact that college applications are submitted before the project is completed,” said Ben Snell, senior.

A lack of community support added to the low number of seniors wishing to complete the project. “I really liked working with children, but it was near impossible to find a mentor and resources to complete the project,” said Danyelle Rube. “It just wasn’t worth it.”

The seniors that decided to continue with the project generally were already close to finishing.

Brooke Barrier, senior, taught a six week long Spanish class at Magellan Charter School. “I had finished a lot of it during my junior year, so it made sense to finish it.”

“I was already so far complete that I figured I should finish it anyways. I loved the kids I was working with so much I just couldn’t ditch them,” said Dylan Briggs, senior, who is working with special education children, focusing on their development and motor skills.

According to the seniors that were finishing the project, time was not as big of an issue as it was originally made. Most seniors spaced out parts of the project, so it did not affect their senior year classes.

Students who are working to complete the project report that it was a great experience. “I thought it was a good experience to practice filming, interviews and putting together such a big project,” said Helin Park, senior.  She is putting together an informational video about different medicinal procedures widely used in the treatment of cancer.

The mandatory graduation project has been postponed for all grades currently in high school. Most likely, the 2015 class will be the first class to have a state-wide Graduation Project required.

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