The players on each team became familiar with each other beginning on Oct. 1 when the Powder Puff meetings were held. The juniors, excited about the game, could not wait to get out on the field for the first time. The seniors, on the other hand, were eager to get back out on the field to redeem themselves after last years double digit loss to the ’09 seniors.
This year the new juniors were looking for a rare upset against the already motivated seniors. “I think it is going to be fun, but we are going to have to work hard to beat the seniors,” said Sarah Floyd, junior. Floyd knew winning as a junior will not come easy.
Thursday, Oct. 15, the first powder puff practice began and differences were already visible between the two teams. The senior practice consisted of three of the four coaches, Bo Burns, Sam Floyd, and Connor Ingle, and only thirteen senior players. “It was a light turn out, but we got good work in,” said Ingle. Later in the week the senior roster would increase to twenty-five girls.
The junior practice proved to be more clustered than the coaches could even imagine. Junior coaches, Brad Millice, Alex Lawrence, and Eric Michaud had their hands full with the sixty girls that participated. “It was a good practice and we are happy with the number of girls who came out, but the hardest part is organizing the practice,” said Millice. “We want to make sure everyone has fun, but we also have intentions of winning.”
As the last practice concluded there is a noticeable improvement in the girls’ knowledge and skill of the game. The girls’ abilities were increasing in throwing, catching, blocking and understanding their positions and what their roles were. “We are definitely not perfect,” said Ingle, “but I know we look a lot more solid than we did the first practice.”
The final Powder Puff practice was held on Tuesday, Oct. 27. The players and coaches will had one day to process what they learned at practice, clear their minds, and make their last preparations for game day on Thursday.
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