Leesville’s stadium has always been a source of pride for students and faculty; however, it instills even more pride in those whose name will stay in the stadium long after they have gone.
The “Pathway to Pride” honors students, friends, coaches and loved ones. For $50 a student can purchase a brick that is placed near the entrance to the stadium. The bricks are never removed, so they will remain there forever. To purchase a brick, a student can go online, fill out the order form and mail it along with a check to the address provided.
Proceeds from the brick sales go to the Pride Athletic Club to help with future projects like this one.
The “Pathway to Pride” has been at Leesville from day one, only it was in a different place back then. “[It was] originally in the strip of grass/dirt between the concrete in front of the home stands and the retaining fence,” said Dr. Gainey, former principal of Leesville, in an e-mail interview. “But very few people could see it so that is why Hamilton and I thought it needed to be moved.”
This year, 25 more bricks will be added in the hopes that one day the path will stretch all the way to the courtyard. They are manufactured and installed in lots of 15-20 depending on the amount of orders coming in.
“My goal was to fill every other large concrete square in the stadium with the bricks and eventually move to the courtyard by the cafeteria with the design and then to the front of the school,” said Gainey.
This is a great way for students to leave their mark while enhancing the beauty and history of Leesville. Even though most students choose to put their own names on the bricks, some also include the names of siblings who also graduated from Leesville.
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