Many students have seen or heard of the movie, The Bucket List. And although the Leesville student body is not terminally ill, we need our own list of what to do before we graduate.
Before we graduate we should participate in a nationwide event which takes place on campus.
See You at the Pole (SYATP) is one such event. However, it is not limited to America; See You at the Pole is an international happening.
SYATP a global day of prayer that is led by students to lift up friends, families, teachers, their school, and nation to God.
Marisa McKay, junior, defined it simply. “It’s a fellowship of Christians. It’s basically where all Christian students get together and pray for their school and nation.”
This year’s See You at the Pole was September 22 at 7:00 am.
It is estimated that between 50 and 60 people attended.
“I was really impressed and surprised by how many people came out to show their faith. I was really proud of the students who prayed, and it gives me hope that students will continue to show faith at Leesville,” said Allison Bass, senior.
Bass said, “I don’t think think anything is possible without God, and Christianity is everything to me. If I can’t show [that] and stick up for what I believe in, then I’m not doing it justice.”
Mrs. Canada, Career Development Coordinator, said, “I hope next year we can have more people. It’s a great unity of Christian students rallying together for a purpose.”
Another nationwide event is Day of Silence: a national event bringing attention to the harassment of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and their allies.
The last Day of Silence took place on April 16, 2010. The next Day of Silence is scheduled for April 15, 2011.
Students at Leesville, myself included, participated in the 2010 Day of Silence and plan to participate on the 2011 date as well.
Trevon Hood, sophomore, said, “[I want] to protest the treatment of LGBT people in America and around the world by mimicking their silence because a lot of my friends are LGBT, and I’m appalled by the way people treat them and [other LGBT’s].”
From personal experience, I know that it can be difficult to stay silent all day, especially when those around you who mock you for what you believe in. However, in the end, it pays to fight for what’s right.
Gandhi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”
If we, as the youth of America, want to make progress in what is happening around us, we need to take part in something bigger than ourselves. In this way, we can start a revolution.
This column serves as a challenge to all the classes of Leesville to feel more accomplished and complete more during their time here.
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