Everytime I walk into a bathroom at Leesville, I enter into a pit of despair.
The bathrooms at Leesville are disgraceful. There is no cheerfulness within those walls but instead a feeling of dread. When I think how neglected they are in their present state, I cringe. It is certainly time for a change.
While certain aspects of the bathrooms are tolerable, none of them are close to acceptable. The list of fixes may be lengthy, but I suppose it is easiest to focus on those issues that must be changed immediately.
Finding a clean (I use the word loosely) plot of floor to stand on in the bathrooms is almost impossible. Various unidentifiable liquids are splashed all over the floors, leaving them sticky, discolored and generally sketchy.
Washing the floors more often would not take much extra effort, but the added benefits would reap tremendous improvements to the current situations around the school.
Another serious issue? The doors. While every stall may have a lock, less than half of them actually work and even fewer stay locked. I know that I, along with my peers, would greatly appreciate a little privacy when it is time to go.
Buying new locks to replace those that are broken is the ideal solution to the whole door problem. Expenses would be minimal, but the entire student body would be grateful for the improvements.
I know that there are plenty more immediate changes to be made to the school but raising the standard of cleanliness in the bathrooms should be near the top of the list. Along with the floors and doors, the other aspects of the bathrooms that should be changed are the:
- Leaking sinks
- Useless mirrors
- Lack of towels and soap
- Windows in between stalls (girls only)
Cleaning up the bathrooms may seem like a childish request, but they are important to both students and staff, and it is about time they are properly taken care of.
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