The new 2010 school year National Honors Society members were inducted Wednesday, September 22 in the school auditorium.
The commemoration began with a procession of the inductees into the auditorium.
NHS President Melissa Fluke then gave an inspiring welcome speech.
Officers Kelly Williamson, Grant Do, Jane Lee and Erica Spear each presented a short speech, after which they ceremoniously lit a candle representing service, leadership, character and scholarship.
The inductees then filed on to the stage to receive their certificate, officially incorporating them into the society.
As each person walked across the stage, a designated officer gave a short summary of their high school achievements.
“The speeches are given to commemorate their achievements throughout high school,” said Kelly Williamson, senior and Parliamentarian.
An official NHS candle was distributed to each new member, and the flame was passed down each row.
“The flame represents the ignition of knowledge into each student,” said Alex Stewart, senior and historian for the society.
The inductees then recited the Society’s pledge and filed out of the auditorium to a reception in the lobby.
“The best part of the night was definitely the cupcakes afterwards,” said Patrick Balogh, junior and new NHS member, “I was definitely proud to be inducted though, I worked hard to attain the necessary qualifications and it’s nice to be recognized for it.”
These qualifications include maintaining a 3.5 unweighted GPA throughout all of high school, having a leadership position of some sort, earning plenty of service hours as well as demonstrating positive moral character.
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