On Sunday, October 31, LRHS students raised their razors for the last time before No-Shave November began.
The month of November is a thirty-day period in which participants resist the urge to shave their beards and moustaches. Instead, they let their facial hair grow into a natural carpet around the mouth.
No-Shave November is a tradition that has been around for many years and has grown more popular in the Triangle and the nation. As each year goes by, more students at LRHS take on the shaving moratorium.
The rules of No-Shave November are simple. Participants shave their facial hair before November 1 and do not shave again until after November 30. If a competitor shaves during the month of November, then they are out and have lost the game. Not shaving means letting a beard grow without interference; this includes no trimming and no waxing.
“This November, I am planning to grow a mighty beard that will be thicker than all others. I will no longer have a standard plain beard. No-Shave November is the perfect time to do it,” said Tyler Scheviak, freshman.
In October, some students take a “before” picture of their cleanly shaved face. At the end of the month, these participants can take an “after” picture before they shave again. This is one of the many ways in which a student can enjoy No-Shave November.
Some participants in LRHS get together and have a competition between themselves to see who can grow the longest or thickest beard. In this way, students can have a friendly competition during No-Shave November.
“It is hard to resist shaving,” said Scheviak. “In order for me to finish No-Shave November, I am going to do it with my friends and family.”
At the end of November, the participants will shave their facial hair once again. People with thicker and longer beards can shave certain parts of their face to create one of the many facial hair styles available. From the classic “Super Mario” to the popular “Sparrow,” students can find styles that suit their personalities and appearances.
“During November, I will work hard to prepare my beard so that I can pioneer the Mighty El Insecto in December,” said Jason Nance, a senior participant.
By not shaving throughout the month of November, participants save money on shaving cream, razors and other supplies needed for shaving. Students who participate in No-Shave November also save time in the morning.
“With the money I have saved from past No-Shave Novembers, I have been able to buy a new phone,” said Taylor Harrison, senior. “I’ve been doing this for a few years now, and I will continue to do it until I have saved enough money to buy me a new car.”
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