Schachle raps with school spirit

Brendan Schachle, senior, recently posted a rap he wrote and recorded on his Facebook page, prompting many “Likes” and comments from Leesville students and graduates alike. The rap, entitled “GREEN AND BLUE (Black and Gold Remix),” is about the LRHS football team and showing school spirit.

It took Schachle only two days to go from the drawing board to the finished product. “I was in the shower when I got the idea [for the rap] and sat down and wrote it in about a half hour,” he said. “I printed out the lyrics of the Wiz Khalifa song and put in my own words line-by-line, focusing on the number of syllables. Then I went out and bought a twenty dollar microphone for my computer and recorded it the next day.”

Schachle received an abundance of praise for his rap and hopes to perform it at the back circle on Friday, Nov. 5 before the football game against Wake Forest-Rolesville. “I like writing music and have a lot of school spirit, so I wanted to combime the two. It’s the conference championship, so I just wanted to do something special,” said Schachle.

This is not the first rap that he has written, however. Schachle has been writing music for a few months, including one for a senior English project. “I write anything that comes to mind. Sometimes I record them [the raps] if I think they’re good,” said Schachle.

Although writing raps is just a hobby for now, Schachle would like to keep it up. Although he does not write his own music, he said he would be willing to write a song for anyone who has a request. “Just give me a beat, and I’ll write the rap,” said Schachle.

When asked if he would like to continue writing raps professionally, Schachle replied, “If somebody wants to pay me for this, I’d love it. If anyone out there can get me a record deal, please hook me up.”


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