Bieber fever makes me sick!

Bieber Fever just took a turn for the worse.

Justin Bieber announced the filming of his first and hopefully only movie Never Say Never.

In the preview for the film, Bieber states that even after being told by everyone that he would never “make it” as a singer, he’s finally seized the big stage.

I hate to break it to you Justin, but you’re sixteen years old. No one has told you that you can’t do it. You aren’t a breakthrough, unexpected success story; in fact, you’ll probably burn out before you turn twenty-one.

As much as you’d like us to believe the world is out to get you, that statement simply isn’t true.

History is against you, champ. In a few years you’ll probably be snorting and smoking more than your fair share of substances. We’re looking at you, Lindsay.

Either that or you’ll go from cutie-pie to resident rude boy; rest in peace, Gary Coleman.

And even if you do make it past the horrors of your youth, it’s entirely possible that you’ll catch a case of the crazies and dangle small children named after inanimate objects out of windows. Thanks for that, Michael.

But anyway, even if you beat the odds, back to the whole, “You against the world” mentality.

No one is out to get you: You didn’t grow up in the slums of Compton; you were never homeless, and you never had to do anything on your own.

You grew up in Stratford, Ontario, a place that has pumped out dozens of celebrities.

Oh, and you played chess as a youngster. If you want to uphold the “rags to riches” stereotype, drop the intellectual games and start making up a more believable alibi, like cobbling or begging.

In a recent interview, you stated that: “My mum and I have a good relationship because together we made it from rags to riches!”

If you truly made it from poverty to affluent wealth, you don’t have to tell me. I’d notice. You’re a white kid from Canada; can you even define adversity?

And perhaps worst of all, you didn’t even have to work for your fame. If it wasn’t for Usher miraculously discovering your talent, you’d probably be singing show tunes for old people in retirement homes.

I don’t hate Justin Bieber.In fact, I respect him. The kid is only a year younger than I, and he already has millions upon millions more dollars than I will likely ever obtain.

The truth is, you just need to be yourself. No one will think any less of you if you admit that you did not have to rise up against all odds to become the musician that you are. In actuality, it’s been overdone. Every celebrity tries to claim they beat every obstacle stacked up against them; and while that may be true for some of them, it’s not your cup of tea.

To explain why, you’re sixteen. You haven’t had any obstacles that have taken more than twenty minutes to overtake. You sang in a music contest and posted it on Youtube. For some reason unknown to me, Usher found you. That’s not an obstacle–it’s luck.

So Bieber, in the end, your success is up to you. More than likely, you’ll burn out by the age of twenty. Even if you make it past failure, you’ll probably end up just like every other celebrity, pretending the world is out to get you.

But if you’ve taught me anything at all about success, it’s to expect the unexpected, and above all else, to never say never.

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