Most community colleges have late or rolling application deadlines, giving seniors plenty of time to apply. Students have many local options, such as Wake Technical Community College or Durham Technical Community College. Along with much less expensive classes, many of the courses offered are the same as in a traditional four-year college. With a location close to home, a community college will always be a better transition from high school.
Although not yet common for students in the United States, taking a gap year has always been the plan B for students across the world. Taking a whole year off to travel helps to gain life experience as well as make some much needed money. In fact, a well planned gap year program will look impressive on a future college resume.
Jobs and internships before college will also help a student to gain valuable experience while aiding him or her financially. A job provides a source of income, even if it pays minimum wage. Internships may also earn a student extra cash, but they allow for meeting people in a particular industry also.
Although even internships have become popular and competitive these days, they can be found anywhere, and thus should be taken advantage of. Jobs and internships can also lead to an attractive letter of recommendation.
Most importantly, a year of not enrolling in school should be taken optimistically. A whole year can be used for many activities, including passions that were not readily available with weekly exams and tests. Students can volunteer at local hospitals, join campaigns or join an intramural sports team. Without the pressure of keeping up notes and grades, students may find new skills that cannot be discovered through mere number scores of tests.
Most students traditionally enjoy attending a four-year college immediately following their high school graduation. However, taking a year off from school work can also lead to great opportunities for the future.
I think math competitions are amazing.
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