As college acceptance letters arrive in the mail and first semester recently came to a close, many seniors are dropping their “filler” classes in lieu of late arrival or early dismissal. Whether it be senioritis or a desire to work to save money for college, seniors are dropping classes they do not need to graduate.…

Seniors drop second semester classes

As college acceptance letters arrive in the mail and first semester recently came to a close, many seniors are dropping their “filler” classes in lieu of late arrival or early dismissal.

Whether it be senioritis or a desire to work to save money for college, seniors are dropping classes they do not need to graduate.

“I’m dropping my first and fourth periods, which are World Religions and Foods, because I’d rather be able to sleep in and leave early than take two elective classes and have to take the Foods exam,” said Layla Shayesteh, senior.

Another factor students must consider when contemplating a schedule change is how it will impact their acceptance to college.

In most cases, universities expect graduating seniors to maintain a full schedule to prove they are still working hard during their second semester and are not slacking off because they are “already in college.”

UNC-Chapel Hill’s Frequently Asked Question section is similar to that of many other colleges in North Carolina.  Most say something along the lines of “The strength of your curriculum will be an important factor in our decision about your candidacy. If your schedule changes for any reason between the time you file your application and the time you receive your decision, you must notify us in writing immediately at; if you don’t, we reserve the right to reevaluate your application at a later date and to change any decision we might have made.”

Shayesteh, who received her acceptance to UNC-Wilmington in December, contacted the university and asked permission to drop her classes.

“UNCW told me it was fine to drop my electives because I had all my credits to graduate,” said Shayesteh.  “I think that as long as you prove to them that you’re keeping yourself busy and not just dropping classes and sitting at home, most colleges will be fine with it.”

Seniors contemplating dropping a class or two should contact their college BEFORE they drop a class, and also consider the school they are applying to.  If a student is unsure of acceptance to their dream school, dropping an honors class or having an incomplete schedule may be the difference between acceptance and deferral or deferral and rejection.

After contacting their college, students must contact their counselor via email or appointment and fill out an Early Dismissal/Late Arrival form.  Seniors then must attain a parent or guardian’s signature and turn in the form to Student Services for approval.

Seniors have the first ten days of the semester to drop classes or change their schedules, but the sooner students submit their requests, the less time they must spend in the undesirable class.

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