Cafeteria table rule more lenient

As of the new semester, LRHS administrators have significantly increased tolerance for seating arrangements during lunch. The new changes will be applicable as long as students follow cafeteria regulations.

Originally, students were only allowed to sit four to a table and now they are permitted to add more. Numbers must remain reasonable, though–fifteen people is way too many. Students are prohibited from pushing multiple tables together because it creates a fire hazard in the cafeteria.

The reason for the new sense of leniency is due to the administrators’ feelings that the students were ready to “compromise.”

“In order to keep the compromise, students need to actually clean up after them selves,” said Ms. Golden. She explained that if one student is overlooked by the rule, then all students will start making a mess.

Ms. Golden also said that the administrators do not want to have to punish rule-abiding students, so they are advised to tell their friends to due their part in keeping the cafeteria clean.

Recently, the only problem has been C lunch, as notified by the announcements. The students have been warned about leaving out trash on the tables and on the floors. If the messy problem continues, C lunch’s four-to-a-table regulation will be reinstated.

“It’s disgusting the mess they keep making, and throwing food around,”said Megan Hackman, sophomore of C lunch, who sits with a party of six. “It’s not fair if the people who aren’t doing it get punished.”

Brandon Gray, sophomore, begs to differ. He says that “one more table won’t make a difference.”

Students who eat lunch at school need to be aware of the compromise for their administrators’ leniency. They need to do their part in following the rule, so it is not repealed for those who are not at fault. The administrators hope to be able to continue this policy for the next year, but they need student cooperation.

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