On Tuesday, May 24 I finally attended my first Leesville women’s soccer game. It was with a solemn feeling that it occurred to me I attended my final athletic event at Marshal L. Hamilton Stadium.
During high school, a lot of things are taken for granted. For example, I never realized which meal in the cafeteria would be my last, and I never realized which trip would be my final on the school bus that I rode so loyally from fifth to tenth grade.
Then there’s also the events that one realizes will be their last. For example, during the first round playoff loss against Middle Creek, I and every other fan in the stands that night knew we would never watch another football game as high school students.
We realized that this Winter Break and Spring Break would need to be memorable, lest we leave high school without ever enjoying one.
Finally, we realized that after these last few days and the following summer, we would likely never see each other again.
However, we cannot look upon these events with regret.
As much as many hate to admit it, these past four years shaped us into the people we are. The events we went through emulsified our personality, humor, and overall outlook.
It’s the events we relish in, but don’t appreciate at the time that shape us.
In my case, traveling to the state semifinals game freshman year, applying for newspaper during my sophomore year, never getting my license junior year, and getting suspended senior year.
As far as newspaper is concerned, this is the last article I will ever write before attending North Carolina State University in the fall. I appreciate the comments and views readers gave me throughout the years.
And to my editor Alex Stewart, I apologize for being so difficult to deal with.
The end.
Will Bennett is a remarkable staff writer who was recruited from his early days. In fact, before Bennett could even speak, the Mycenaean took serious interest in him. While many consider this practice to be unethical, the Leesville editors disagree. Alex Stewart claims that his contributions to the staff have been “Pullitzer Prize” worthy.
In addition to his writing, Bennett enjoys animals, Freshberry Frozen Yogurt, Hip-hop music, and long walks on the beach. He can often be found on his seaside estate composing original music, writing moving poetry, and balling with old basketball greats like Larry Bird and Michael Jordan.
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