Leesville hosts St. Jude’s rally

Photo courtesy of stjudes.com

Leesville Road High School will host a St Jude’s Children’s Hospital fund raiser from Friday, May 13 to Thursday, May 19.

Leesville Road High School’s executive council is organizing the project.

“Executive Council is planning on going through each second period and collecting the money every day between those two dates,” said Sarah Melvin, executive counsellor treasurer.

It is important to donate because St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital is not like most other hospitals.

“We are giving the money to St. Jude’s because they do not turn cancer patients away. This type of generosity requires extra funds,” added Melvin.

“In addition to collecting money, we will be doing the letter writing campaign where we send letters to friends/family members and ask for donations to St. Jude,” said Keysha Mayfield, via an email to the teachers.

This half of the fundraiser will involve students creating lists of 25 people they could write letters to asking for donations. Any student who can create this list will be invited to a letter writing event on Thursday afternoon.

This is Leesville’s second year raising money for this cause. Last year was the first.

“Last year we collected around $3000 as a school and had a total of over $6000 donated after the letter writing campaign was complete,” included Mayfield in her email to the teachers.

The class that brings in the most money will earn a breakfast from Bojangles, and the second runner up will receive a breakfast from Dunkin Doughnuts.

“We are hoping to show that high school students are aware of the issues going on in the world and are willing to help,” concluded Melvin.

To donate, bring in cash or checks made out to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital between Friday May 13 and Thursday, May 19.

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