Precipitation postpones Powderpuff


On Wednesday, September 21, students arrived at Hamilton Stadium prepared to play some Powderpuff football. Unfortunately, administrators postponed the event due to wet weather at the last second.

“When we got there, everyone was hyped up and ready to play,” said Amanda Duckett, junior and player.

Students from every class dressed in their respective uniforms. However, local weather stations predicted some chance of rain that evening.

“We decided to cancel it when we saw that it [the weather] wasn’t going to get any better,” said Gary Duvall, administrator. “It wasn’t safe to continue with the plans.”

Duvall and several other administrators talked the situation over before the game. After much discussion and waiting, they cancelled Powderpuff for that night.

“Anytime there is a cancellation of any event, we get disappointed,” said Duvall. “We like to invite the community to these events and get them involved in our school.”

There was a mix of reactions among the crowd when Duvall announced their decision.

“I was upset because we have been working hard for the past two weeks to prepare for this one game,” said Duckett.

Others appeared to be disappointed but relieved that they would not have to play in the torrential downpour.

Currently, administrators are looking into the athletic schedule. They are hoping to find a date that will work out best for everyone–tentatively Oct. 4. Once a new date appears, players and staff will make the necessary preparations to put on a show.

“I will still play,” said Duckett. “Mentally, our team will need to keep our plays in mind and, when we arrive, to stay focused and keep our goal of winning in mind.”



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