The other three schools were Apex, Heritage and Wake Forest-Rolesville.
Recognition for a sportsmanship award means that the 2010-2011 school year had an ejection free year– no one was ejected from a single game, be it an athlete or a coach.
Jack Rogers, Leesville’s athletic director, was extremely pleased with this award.
“It is just as important, if not more important, than any championship we could win,” said Rogers.
Leesville has won the award every year for the past six years except for last year.
The reasons for getting ejected from a game vary from sport to sport, but there are some similarities. Mostly athletes are ejected for being rude to the referees or the other team members. The same goes for parents; supporting their children is perfectly okay, but as soon as it gets boisterous and distracting, they are ejected.
There have been no ejections so far this year.
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