The new Microsoft operating system, codename Windows 8, is rumored to be the next big thing to hit the world of electronics. This new build, which was announced to be released in January 2012, will be compatible with a wider range of computers.
The new OS has many new features, making it almost unrecognizable to its predecessor, Windows 7. It was modelled mainly after the OS on the Windows 7 phone, which features all of your apps as panels that you can scroll left to right. Panels are easier to use because it gives users all the important information they need without actually opening the application.
Windows 8 features a new system, according to Microsoft Vice President Julie Larson-Green, who called it “our new developer platform, which is…based on HTML5 and JavaScript.” The new applications run in full-screen, but two of them can be displayed side-by-side using “Snap”, which allows you to put an application on the side of the screen, next to another one. Examples of new applications that were demoed include a Twitter client, a weather application and a stock-tracking application.
The most impressive thing about the new Windows 8 is that the hardware requirements will, hopefully, be the same as, or even lower than that of Windows 7. This will be tough for Microsoft to achieve due to all the new features that they’re trying to fit in.
Hopefully, Microsoft will be able to pull all this together by Fall 2012, the rumored release date, and publish the best Windows OS yet.
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