PDA: students frown upon public canoodling

There is a thin line between acceptable PDA and inappropriate displays of affection while at school. PDA, or public display of affection, is any act of physical intimacy in the view of others.

Although there are no specific rules written in the student/faculty handbook pertaining to PDA, the administrators have their own guidelines.

Mr. Brewington, administrative intern, believes that holding hands is one form of affection appropriate for school. “When it comes to hugging, only some types are okay,” he said. “Hugging, hand holding, and high fives are in the safe zone.”

According to the Wake County Policy and Procedures handbook, any PDA that is “indecent, overly affectionate, or of sexual nature” is considered inappropriate. The interpretation of these guidelines can vary from person to person, making it difficult to compose school-wide rules

“I hate to be a stickler, but any form of kissing comes really close to a violation,” said Mr. Brewington. “A harmless peck while walking in the hallway is questionable, but taking kissing into the classroom is going too far.” Kissing is “right on the edge” according to Mr. Brewington. Any type of grabbing or groping is absolutely unacceptable in Mr. Brewington’s eyes.

Nicole Licari, junior, said, “If you see a tongue, you know it’s crossing the line.” Licari believe that “tongues and butts are a no-no.”

Nobody wants to feel uncomfortable while walking the halls of Leesville Road High School. What is right and what is wrong should be made clear, and enforced, to ensure that this does not happen.

Some LRHS students, including Meg Milan, junior, believe that PDA is simply a cry for attention. By showing affection in public one is able to flaunt their significant other.

“Couples who show excessive PDA in school just want the attention,” she said. “I think it’s because they are insecure and feel like they need to show off for everyone.”

Showing displays of affection in public are, to some, considered a mild form of exhibitionism–the need or desire to show oneself in a sexual manner. This can be done unconsciously, or consciously, stemming from one’s own insecurities.

Being insecure plays a major role in the act of displaying affection in public. Flaunting one’s partner in the view of others is a way for them to “claim their territory.”

“I think people show PDA because they are proud of the who they are with. It’s okay to be proud, but some are a little too proud,” said Licari.

“Any display of affection should be done in private,” she said. “It’s supposed to be a special moment, not some everyday thing you do at school.”

To Licari, “showing off” has nothing to do with PDA in school. She does not exactly agree with showing affection in school because it is simply a special moment to be shared elsewhere.


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