Wow! 7 billion Earthlings exist

On Monday, October 1, 2011, the seventh billion person was welcomed into the world.

This significant occurrence for mankind is a blessing and a curse at the same time.

Jamie Blades, junior, sees this development as a prodigious blessing. “I feel like this is a great accomplishment for the human race. The way I see it, the more the merrier,” said Blades. This positive outlook is shared by many students at Leesville.

The individuals with this positive outlook feel that the growing population will add to the work force. After all, many hands make light work.

However not all students at Leesville feel the same way about this achievement. Mark Delacruz, junior, expressed his displeasure upon hearing the news of the recent milestone.

“Any intelligent individual knows that with more people on the earth, the quality of life decreases,” said Delacruz. He feels that his standard of living will be infringed upon with the increasing global population.

Since scientists have identified the single greatest health risk as chronic hunger and malnutrition, demographers have worried about the growing population. Studies done by Matti Kummu of the Water and Development Research Group, in Aalto University, Finland have shown that AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined provide less of a health risk than malnutrition.

Scientists predict that we will be welcoming the eighth billion person to the world in the near future.

According to, Carl Haub of the Population Reference Bureau, stated, “In 1900 we were at 1.6 billion. In 99 years, we flipped the numbers to 6.1 billion.”

Three billion more people are predicted to be added to the population by 2100. This accelerated growth rate both concerns and delights students.

There are many effects that this breakthrough has already had and are continuing to have, but the most important question is, is 7 billion people a blessing or a curse?



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