Principal’s chat informs parents

Parents came to Leesville on November 26 to attend the Principal’s Chat. It is a meeting wherein parents get the chance to have a personal meeting with Scott Lyons, Leesville’s principal.

“It is a very helpful way for parents to stay in touch and find out what’s going on at school,” said Andrea Scheviak, Leesville parent.

These chats usually occur once month and each meeting consists of a main focus. Wednesday’s particular meeting focused on career management at Leesville. Some topics discussed were college application week, freshmen meetings, guest speakers and CTE classes–all different ways Leesville informs and motivates students towards college and later careers.

“These chats are very helpful for parents who have their first child going through high school. They might not know what to do of each grade level, and we tell them the information they need to know,” said Lyons.

Every parent can gain what they want out of it. In a very friendly environment, parents have the chance to ask questions, state their thoughts and find out what is going on at Leesville.

Lyons said, “It really gives me a chance to connect with parents. In a school of over 2,220 people it is hard to be able to interact with every parent.”

Some parents take notes, some ask questions and some just listen. No matter what they choose to do though, the Principal’s Chat proves to be helpful for both Leesville and its parents.

The next meeting is on February 7, and it does not have any particular topic.


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