Leesville opens its doors to new students

On Monday, December 13, Leesville hosted its annual open house for students new to WCPSS. The open house consisted of a school tour, a Q&A with current Leesville students and an open chat with the chairs of all the departments.

There were approximately 120 students and parents attending the open house. Before the event started, one of the many parents attending, Mr. Tomaino, said that he had come because he was interested in his son attending. When asked why he chose Leesville in particular, he said that he had heard a lot about the history of Leesville.

Not all families choose Leesville just because it’s a great school though. Location is also a factor. Mrs. Gasper, another parent, said, “Leesville is just my proximity school.”

After the open house concluded, Mr. Lyons felt that the turnout was larger than expected. The one thing that Lyons said could have been better was having more activities.

Said Lyons, “The thing I liked best was receiving all the thank-yous from appreciative parents.”


One response to “Leesville opens its doors to new students”

  1. Leesville Pride shines again!

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