LRHS men’s basketball take on Broughton

Pride sets up their defense against the Broughton team during the game on Tuesday night. They lost this game to the Broughton Caps 73-55.

The Leesville Pride men’s basketball team fought a hard but losing battle against the Broughton Caps on Jan. 24.

The team’s record this season is 7-9. They are tied for fourth place in the conference.

The two teams handed off the lead in the first three quarters, keeping the game close. In the fourth quarter, however, Broughton gained the lead to win the game. The Pride team pushed themselves hard throughout this game, ending with a score of 73-55.

“This game set a mark for us,” says Coach Brewington. “ From here we just need to work hard, practice, and improve.”

This was a tough game for the team. They had previously lost to Broughton, but entered the game with high hopes. The starting line-up for this game included Michael Adams, senior and shooting guard, and Shyheid Petteway, small forward.

During the game, Petteway, was passed the ball and performed an amazing dunk. It was the most exciting moment of the game for the Leesville team.

“That dunk felt great to me,” said Petteway. “Honestly I felt like a new man after that.”

Unfortunately, the dunk was called as an offensive foul and led to the other team taking two foul shots, but it still had the crowd going wild.

Both players had some input on how the team did Tuesday night. “I felt like we did really well in the first three quarters,” said Petteway. “It was the third quarter where we all let ourselves down.”

Shyheid says that the team needs to rebound more.

Michael Adams, one of the few seniors on the team, is optimistic about the loss. “Even though we did lose, we still have playoffs and the rest of our seasonal games. We’ll bounce back,” he said. He praised the fact that the team played together but said that they need to work on execution of some specific plays.

“It’s taken us a while to mold together as a team,” commented Brewington. “Now that we have, we’re doing a lot better. We could make a late season push and finish strong in the playoffs.”


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