NC learns from the past, extends social studies curriculum

Starting with the class of 2016, the Social Studies Curriculum for North Carolina will be expanding to include a second semester to the U.S. History course.

The change was due to the large amount of specific, detailed content that teachers have to cover for U.S. History.

After the change goes into effect, the order of required classes will go as follows: World History, Civics and Economics, U.S. History I, and U.S. History II.

Mrs. Eastman, Social Studies Department Head, said, “U.S. History teachers have a lot of curriculum to teach. It is difficult to do in one semester.”

Eastman also believes that the added class will make teachers’ jobs a lot less difficult. “This will make it easier to cover the material because the teachers will have more time to cover each section.”

Like with most changes, the shift has its cons.

“The extra class means that students lose one elective,” said Eastman.

Eastman still appreciates the benefits of extra time. “A pro is how the teachers now have more time for class discussions,” said Eastman. “With so much to teach, it should help students as well.”

As far as anyone worrying about taking a course with underclassmen, the new set-up will not have any effect on current students. Current sophomores will take U.S. History with current sophomores, and current freshmen will take it with current freshmen.

Another addition is an AP World History Class, available to freshmen only.

One point of emphasis from Mrs. Eastman was that the Social Studies requirements for graduation are now four classes, and students must schedule accordingly.

This added course is a definite improvement to the Leesville curriculum that students should embrace as an excellent opportunity.

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