Heifer International is a non-profit organization independent from schools that has goals to stop world hunger.
“You can give the gift of an animal to an impoverished family,” said Madame West, French teacher, via e-mail. The gift of an animal to an impoverished family can also serve as a gift to a philanthropic family member or friend, and the animal can then be given as a gift for “a birthday, graduation, wedding, or other event,” wrote West.
Even though Heifer International is independent of schools, many classes and clubs here at Leesville are taking part, including most of the world language classes. French Club has participated in Heifer International for years as a service project, and French classes have been raising money this week for Heifer International.
While French Club has no incentives from the organization to participate, the classes have started a friendly competition for donuts, which will be given to the class with the highest money-to-student ratio.
Many clubs and classes also make goals for this fundraiser. The French Club’s goal was to collect enough money for a goat and a llama, a total of $270. However, the club has raised well over $1000, much more than their original goal, making the club consider buying even more animals than anticipated. One of which may be a camel, the most expensive animal, valued at $850.
Heifer International is open to everyone, as the animals and gifts that one can buy range from a flock of chicks ($20) to “a gift of transformation” ($25,000), which includes herds of heifers (cows), llamas, and goats, flocks of sheep and chickens, a pen of pigs, a school of fish, and a gaggle (flock) of geese.
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