According to dictionary.com, Anime is Japanese movie and television animation, often having a science fiction theme. Leesville’s Anime Club made its first impression on students this month. Not many students knew about the club because they didn’t advertise the club until this past meeting.
Being the newest club to form at Leesville, it has several plans for the future.
“We are in the process of discussing the possibility of creating our own anime. It would take a lot of time and effort, but the members in the group are interested,” Mr. Korreck, digital media teacher and advisor of the club, said.
During the meetings, the members watch different episodes of anime and discuss them, reviewing their substance and quality. Sometimes they practice drawing characters.
When the club first came together, not very many people knew about it. After the club started spreading information they had a better turn out.
“We went from three or four people to about eight or nine,” said Victor Rosario,the president.
The next meeting isn’t scheduled yet, but the club plans to meet at least once more before the end of the school year; new members are always welcome.
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