On Friday May 25, Leesville students and faculty will gather in the gym to celebrate the achievements of Leesville seniors and reminisce about the memories they have had together.
Everyone will leave second period to go to the gym. A few band members will play “Pomp and Circumstance” as the graduating seniors file in.
17 seniors, who represent the class well, have been selected to address the school at graduation. These seniors have exhibited excellent character throughout high school and the administration has deemed them a good representation of Leesville.
Tyler Glass is one of the seniors appointed to speak at the assembly. “I’m a little bit nervous, but I think I’ll be alright because I usually do alright with classroom presentations,” said Glass.
Glass has practiced his speech at home, along with Michael Adams, fellow senior, who he will deliver his speech with. In addition to his personal practice, Mrs. Dinkenor hosts speech practices in her room every thursday which most of the students speaking attend.
The seniors will first give a speech welcoming the students to the assembly. Next, the seniors will inspire students before they speak about the present, past and future of this year’s senior class. They will then introduce the senior class gift and play the senior slideshow which was put together by Virginia Reed, with help from Gene Kim. The assembly will conclude with thank yous, closing remarks and the recognition of scholarships by Mrs. Newhouse and Mrs. Golden.
Glass’s speech will thank faculty members including administrators, teachers, janitors along with parents and all those involved in seniors high school experience. “We tried to be a little bit witty, but overall it is a sincere speech thanking everyone who helped us out throughout high school.”
This assembly is the first step in the graduation process which will lead to yet another group of Leesville seniors stepping out into the world, well-equipped to contribute in everything they do.
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