Future Teachers of America is a long established club at Leesville created for students who have a passion for education or wish to become a teacher.
FTA offers a variety of projects to benefit Leesville’s students and staff. Members have service opportunities to learn and apply teaching techniques, by assisting peers or younger students who struggle academically.
AJ Sanchez, senior and club secretary, said, “[I joined] because teaching is my one aspiration in life. I want to be an educator, and I want to be a music educator, [so] I joined beginning chorus freshman year. FTA is a club for anyone that wants to go into education in their future, or even appreciate teachers in the present at Leesville.”
Unfortunately, few people have attended the club this year.
Ms. Morris, FTA advisor, has set up advertising for the club on a Facebook page. Sanchez has been advertising through the Facebook group, and while interest persisted, only six members attended the first meeting.
The Sept. 4 meeting discussed upcoming activities. Officers were elected, and topics included creating a theme as well as logistics for the club’s float and booth ideas for the LRHS community night on Oct. 9.
On Sept. 11, Morris elaborated on decisions for the float and elected Emily Patton, senior and Co-club president, for homecoming representative. A dart throwing booth with teacher’s pictures and a coin slot game were chosen as the club activities for community night.
In addition to the float, posters will be made and displayed throughout the school, in support of Future Teachers of America. Current members are encouraged to recruit more people.
For interested students, meetings are held in room 2201, the Murphy building every second and fourth Tuesday of each month.
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