Blood drive saves lives

Students enjoy music and snacks are given snacks after donating. Donors can choose to either choose whole blood or double red cell donations.

Many Leesville students took a part of their school-day off to help people in need. The school blood drive was held on Tuesday, Oct 2 in the main gym.

Twice a year, blood drives supported by the American Red Cross are held at Leesville. Many students, 16 and older, chose to donate some blood to help save an average of three lives.

Students donating are given drinks and refreshments to raise their blood sugar levels to ensure they do not have an unhealthy reaction.

The American Red Cross placed several donor stations in the main gym to prepare for Tuesday’s blood drive. Students giving blood would lay on the beds to relax while donating their blood.

There are 2 main types of donations available: single unit or double red. Both processes usually take an hour to about 90 minutes.

What motivates students donate blood?

Julian Taylor, senior, said “It’s great to come out and help others in need.” Many students are enthused by the chance to help save lives and the opportunity to miss class is just an extra incentive.

Turnout this year turned out better than expected. A total of 89 students donated blood.

Seth Pixton, senior, said, “It does not hurt. I think everyone who can should do.”

The fear of giving blood is a major hindrance in how many people give blood.

“I was nervous waiting in line. My friends helped keep me calm because I knew I wasn’t the only one nervous,” said Austen Trische, junior.

If people chose not to help out or could not, there were other ways to get involved as well.

“I could not donate because I’m under the weight limit, so I decided to volunteer instead,” said Shima Idries, senior.

Katie Arney, junior and student coordinator, hopes to have more participation in the future. She said, “We were only 87 percent full wish that everyone could be involved. It’s such a big impact for our community.”

Student have another opportunity to save lives when the March blood drive rolls around.

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