Leesville honor clubs and student council are gearing up for the Homecoming float parade on Friday, Oct. 12. This year, participating LRHS clubs must create floats with an Olympic Games theme.
The unique challenge lies in incorporating what their club stands for, while representing Leesville and the Olympics at the same time.
Ms. Morris, Future Teachers of America advisor, is gathering items for their float theme, “Diving into Education.” The float will feature school supplies, a diving board and a scoreboard grading scale with members dressed for the part of a corresponding grade.
Club participants are encouraged to bring parts, sketches or individual ideas for float preparation. Work on the float will be Tuesday, Oct. 2.
Another club taking part in the float parade is Sophomore Student Council. Grace Taylor, Council president said, “We’re doing all USA gold winners, all the Olympic sports that the United States won gold.”
A rivalry between Leesville and Millbrook will be represented on their float by six members with medals, Leesville takes the gold.
In readying

their float, Taylor said, “We’re trying to work on [the float] everyday after school.”
Club officers typically ride their float to represent the theme for the parade competition.
Leesville students await excitedly for the float parade, a display of pride for each LRHS club and its participants.
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