Liaisons bring newbies to volleyball game

The liaisons and new students sat enraptured in the stands during the volleyball game on Tuesday. It was a great opportunity for newbies to meet new people and watch an awesome game.

The Leesville Liaisons have been kept busy this year! With a freshmen class of over 700 students, in addition to transfer students, there has been lots to do, from planning events and showing new students around school to escorting said new students to sports games, like football.

Jessica Huber, a co-advisor with Philomena Karol for the Liaisons and a counselor at Leesville, is very enthusiastic about the Leesville Liaison program. “The liaisons…help new students. We’ve taken on a lot of new students this year. So, they help the students get acclimated to the school, develop connections to the school…they do events during the school year to help out…they also give tours during the school year to students new to the school,” she said. “Typically once a month, they have a new-student event, something fun. That way they can meet the liaisons, meet new students…oftentimes the students don’t know anybody else.”

The latest liaison endeavor is to show the freshmen and new students the sport of volleyball.

“The new students will get in free [to the volleyball game],” Huber said.  “We get lots of students new to the school, but this [event] is for students new to Wake County…they’ll sit with the liaisons during the game, as well as socialize during the game.”

On Tuesday Oct. 9, the liaisons gathered up the new students and gathered them into the large gym for the volleyball game. The volleyball event was a major success for the liaisons.

According to Olivia Davis, junior, it was a lot of fun. “We took the liaisons and new students to the last in-conference volleyball game against Knightdale.” she said. “We had about four new students, and everyone had a lot of fun at the game. We all sat together, and I’m friends with some of them [the new students] now.”

It was an enjoyable way to spend the evening, especially with the Lady Pride winning (again) to resume their undefeated season.

All in all, the liaisons introduced the new students to all aspects of Leesville life, and continue to do so now.

Their next event will be at the State Fair, where they will meet up and tour the Fair together. They will go on rides, explore the historical exhibits, and try out the food. The liaisons hope that this, along with other new-student introductory events, will help incorporate them into life at Leesville and help them to fit in for the rest of their high school life.


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