Leesville donated more than 2,200 pounds of food and $15,301 in cash to the food bank last year. Even so, Leesville finished second place to Sanderson High school. They donated more than 5,900 pounds of food and $42,594.
This year’s food drive began on Friday, November 9 and will last until the end of November. The money and food will be collected in students’ second period classes.
Not only are we competing with other schools to raise the most money and bring in the most cans, Leesville students want to help the cause regardless of the outcome.
“I think it’s a great way for us to give back to the community. My mom [Mrs. Underwood] and I plan on bringing in a lot of cans because we have a lot of cans that we don’t need,” said KT Underwood, junior.
“I don’t think of the food drive as a competition. It would be nice if we raised the most money, but if we do our best, that’s all that matters,” said Kaleigh Thompson, junior.
Money and cans will be collected every day in students’ second period classes. Students may drop off cans in the front office at any time during the school day, and the class that raises the most money will be rewarded with a complementary Bojangles breakfast.
“My class has already started planning how we will raise our money. We want to win,” said Mr. Kulp, sociology substitute teacher.
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