On Wednesday, October 10, the Leesville Cross Country celebrated Senior Night during their last home meet. The guys won 27-34 and the girls trailed Millbrook in a 28-30 loss.
Five seniors on the guys side broke 19 minutes and 3 seniors on the girls side have broken 22 minutes in their five kilometer races.
The scoring system for cross country is different from most sports. Every athlete scores a point based on their placing in a race [first place equals 1 point, 2nd place equals 2 points and so on.] The team with the lowest point total wins.
“The race was fun and a great finish to the season,” said Steven Hooper, senior. Underclassmen and juniors created personal posters for each senior. Runners places their posters around the Leesville’s home course to encourage seniors to finish strong in their last race.
“I really like the posters that were made for us,” said Marco Fajardo, senior.
“It’s kind of depressing knowing it’s the last home meet of the year,” said Teddy Elshof, senior. Some seniors will be running at CAP-8.
After the race, seniors posed for group pictures. Parents provided cake and refreshments for all athletes and supporters.
Moving on from this year, what do the future seniors hold for next year? “We have a chance to make it to states next year,” said Matt Cross, coach of the cross country team. Currently there are 6 juniors on the boys team and 5 on the girls team who hold a top 10 position on the team.
So as the cross country team says goodbye to their senior teammates, they look ahead for next year’s seniors to take charge and pull the team to success.
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