Many people assume that football is a “man’s” sport, especially men themselves. However, the girls of Leesville set out to prove those people wrong in the 2012 Powder Puff game.

The participants of each class competed against each other to claim the title of Powderpuff Champions. This year was incredibly competitive, since there was no powderpuff last year due to bad weather.
Ms. Mayfield, executive council advisor, says that the senior girls had the advantage this year. “…We’re having to do freshmen/sophomores vs. juniors, and then the winner versus seniors, so that does give the seniors an advantage,” she said.
The seniors had a better chance of winning because they only played one game. This did away with the elimination process, which made the senior vs. winners game a championship round.
David Wallach, senior, volunteered to be one of the coaches of the senior class team. In addition, some of the other senior coaches were Brendan Marks, Kenny Gerowitz, Michael King, Daniel Floyd, Adam Supastics and Justin Arostegui, all seniors. “I just thought it would be fun to coach some girls how to play football, and I love the sport,” Wallach said.
He was optimistic about the seniors’ chances. “I think they can win.” He said. “…I think the biggest thing to overcome is that the juniors have a good quarterback – she [Laura Zieves] can really throw – and I think they [seniors] have a good chance.”
“We kind of narrowed it down to who will be playing each position, and I think we got a good amount of talent overall,” said Wallach. “…we’re going to work on smart drills for the next two practices and hope for the best.”
When game day arrived, the freshmen/sophomore team proved to be a challenge. The juniors had expected an easy win, but they were sorely mistaken. After tying the score at 6-6, the game went into overtime…four times! With tensions rising on both sides as each team tried to gain the upper hand, the underclassmen prevailed with a close touchdown, making the final score 12-6.
Before the juniors could even make it off of the field, the seniors ran on with explosive enthusiasm, while many of the bystanders formed a tunnel to create a dramatic entrance for the them.
There was no chance for the freshmen/sophomores to catch a breather before the seniors were ready for them to line up for the next game.
Though the underclassmen proved to be a challenge, the seniors easily gained possession of the ball, scoring their first touchdown within the first six minutes of the game.
It was all uphill for the seniors from that time onward. They began to show off as they played, twirling and dancing around the freshmen. By the end of the game, the score was 24-0. The seniors had won.
The freshmen and sophomores put up a good (though slightly violent) fight, but their attempts to uproot the seniors failed, making the seniors Powderpuff Champions once again.
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