Leesville Men’s Varsity Basketball beat Enloe 48-38 in its Cap 8 opener. Lemont Martin and Reggie Jones, seniors, led the Pride with a combined 28 points.
Enloe scored on the first possession and never took the lead after.
Sanders Rohs, junior, started Leesville off with a big 3 pointer, and Martin put in the fast break bucket on the ensuing possession.
Jones had a block that led to a layup from sophomore Greyson Kelley in the closing seconds of the first quarter. The quarter ended 14-9 with Leesville ahead.
The Pride dominated in defensively in the second quarter, not allowing a point until the 5:12 mark. Leesville held on to the lead into the half, with the score 24-17.
The play of the game came on the defensive side of the ball in the third quarter.
After a good defensive stop, Enloe went out on a fast break. When an Enloe player tried a layup, Shyheid Petteway, senior, pinned it on the backboard. Enloe retrieved the ball and tried another layup. Brandon Staves, junior, blocked it out of bounds, sending the crowd into a frenzy.
In the 4th quarter, Leesville clinched the game with good free throw shooting and rebounding. With 1:30 left in the game, Staves had a layup off of his own offense rebound to put the game away.
“We defended very well, we played with intensity on defense, and we executed for the most part of the game,” said Russ Frazier, Leesville head coach. “I’m proud of the way we hustled.”
The Loonies showed up at the game. The stands were full and the gym was at times deafening.
Leesville basketball will be looking for that kind of atmosphere consistently. “That’s the way high school basketball should be. It should be about the school, the community and having fun,” said Coach Frazier. “Bring on Loonieville; we love it.”
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