Mainstage is up for a challenge

Esse quam Videria: At the Museam takes place in an old museum. The play was written by Jesse McGuire.

After having to top last year’s magnificent show of When Shakespeare Slept and Shakespeare’s Ladies, the Mainstage class was forced to think out of the box for this years performance.

This year, the play is called Esse quam Videri: At the Museum. Never heard of it? Well that’s to be expected because the Mainstage students conjured, developed and wrote it themselves. In just one month, their homemade play was written, edited and practiced to perfection.

The writing process started with a class compilation of ideas. Over Thanksgiving break, Jesse McGuire, senior and Mainstage member of two years, took home the ideas and wrote the script. Following the days off, the honors theater class edited and fixed McGuire’s script until everyone a was content with its plot and storyline.

“I think the hardest part for the class was the time crunch on getting the script together. But we did it. And I’m very proud of us,” said McGuire.

The tale is of an old wax museum in North Carolina that is ready to be tore down. However during a meeting inside the museum, something spectacular happens and the museum’s fate is changed forever.

Like every play held at LRHS, the technical theater is important for the show to go on. The designs for the costumes, set, lights and sound was all developed by unexpected techies — the Mainstage students themselves.

“Our design process shows that we are not just actors,” said McGuire,”. We are designers and techies and creators along with being actors.”

The new students to Mainstage also seem to be stepping up to the challenge: “I’m so proud of them. They might be my peers but they are also my family. We’ve formed such a close bond and I feel our chemistry with the newer students helps us with chemistry on stage, too,” said McGuire.

The show will be performed on Friday, January 4 at 7pm for 3$ a person.

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