Mr. Serina, Leesville’s band director, is no longer be teaching at Leesville. A permanent replacement will fill Serina’s position as soon as possible. For the time being, Dave Albert, former Leesville band director, will temporarily fill in Serina’s place.
Shaelynn Warkentin, sophomore and symphonic band member, reflects on the band department’s sudden change in staff. “When Serina first left, everyone was really worried. Now that Albert is back, the band feels a sense of security again.”
Warkentin describes the transition of not having a teacher, to returning to a normal classroom routine as the most difficult change for band students.
“The random substitutes made us feel worried that we wouldn’t be ready for the concert, festival and the trip to England next year. Classroom dynamics are different than the way they were with Serina, but that’s a good thing. We’re all adjusting, and the band is finally cohesive again,” said Wakentin.
Matt Jenkins, junior band member, thinks the band will succeed again now that the band program has Albert as their temporary substitute.
“I’m really relieved to have a permanent replacement since Serina left. The band still has a lot to prepare for, but I think we’ll be a lot more confident at festival now that we have someone we know and trust to direct us,” said Jenkins.
Albert is also happy to be teaching at Leesville again.
“I have no idea how long I’ll stay here, but I love teaching at Leesville. I was around when Leesville started, the arts department is like a family. A year and a half ago was the right time for me to retire, but there’s a need, and I’m happy to fill it,” said Albert.
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