Black writers and journalists have participated in the changing face of journalism. The next generation of black writers and broadcasters are taking the effort to strengthen the presence of minorities within this speciality.
On Saturday, Feb 23, I participated in the CABJ (Carolina Association of Black Journalists) workshop at Carroll Hall, hosted by the UNC school of journalism and mass communications.
During my commute to UNC that Saturday morning, I admit I was nervous. I thought about the rigor of the program and the types of people I would meet.
During breakfast, all of us introduced ourselves. We found common ground; we were all determined to pursue careers in broadcasting and journalism. Most students also held leadership positions in their classes and extracurricular organizations.
Our first activity of the day was broadcasting, which meant we had to speak in front of the camera! Sure everyone was nervous, however, everyone spoke well and communicated with their on-air co-host. Along with the cameos, we were given on-hand experience with the cameras and the video switchers in the production room. We were in the home studio of Carolina Weekly, the student run broadcasting program.
From there, we were given the opportunity to ask a panel of college students about preparing for college and the college experience itself. The students were very open to questions and the students felt more comfortable about preparation for college.
Our next activity was a lecture on print journalism. We touched the basics: writing leads, organizing paragraphs in an article and dissecting the information into a precise article. One of the journalism students roleplayed Mississippi assembly member, Bennie. G. Thompson, talking about the recent ratification of the 13th amendment by the state assembly.
Public Relations was our next lecture. We learned the basics of advertising and marketing. We came up with interesting and distinct advertisements for a theoretical target market.
Finally our last lecture was photoshopping, we used 27-inch iMac computers and used a variety of applications including Adobe Photoshop. We thoroughly went in to the basics of the program and photoshopped a photo of the Brooklyn Bridge. I shared something with half of the participants, I had no experience with photoshopping. It took several trials and the help from the photoshop instructor
The prime time came during the last event. We were catered dinner and were lectured by Tisha Powell, ABC-11 Eyewitness News anchor. We learned that journalism is a complex affair, as Powell told us of her past experiences on-air. As a journalist, Powell, has found herself in the middle of the story she covers. When Hurricane Katrina struck close to her home in New Orleans, several years ago, she helped bring supplies to desperate victims. I asked her, what is the most difficult thing
She taught, best of all, that time management and control in front of the camera are the basic skills needed as a journalist. The UNC School of Journalism and Mass Communications is offering a variety of summer programs for aspiring journalists. The Carolina Journalism institute offers a 5-day program for enhancing students with the knowledge of scholastic publications and broadcasts.
Most of the us were rising seniors, and the college application process is imminent. The questionnaires at the panel stressed us to challenge ourselves by taking as many honors and AP classes as possible. They additionally stressed the importance of writing a great applicant essay; the essay they explained is the perfect opportunity to connect with the admissions officers.
What I found intriguing was the choice of majors with the student-counselors. I told one counselor of my top choices for majors: political science and economics. Interestingly enough, she told me that most journalism students double major or minor in business and economics at the Kenan Flagler business school. This is especially important for advertising; this involved plenty of entrepreneurial energy.
As I reflect back, I am pleased at the effort these students are taking to make this opportunity come true. happen. I want to emphasize again, this program was run and support by journalism students. These people serve as the model for high schoolers pursuing a career in journalism. Without diversity, there is no excellence, that is their {CABJmotto.
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