Leesville teacher organizes year-long service project

Typically fundraisers are advertised around school for a specific week for specific supplies for a good cause. Mrs. Izquierdo, social studies teacher, took it upon herself to organize several places in her room for students to donate countless items for others in need.

Treats for Troops, a yearly fundraiser conducted by the social studies department, has a designated area in her room for students to leave non-perishables, but she also has an area for students to bring in clothes for donation to the homeless, Goodwill, or her husband’s family and community in Columbia, or wherever the donor wants it to go.

“I think it’s great because I don’t feel pressured to get specific things. Anything I am able to donate can be put to good use and benefit someone else somehow,” said Claire Cox, senior.

The service project has no beginning or end, and Mrs. Izquierdo says she plans on continuing this opportunity open for students in the school years to come.

“Students are more than welcome to come drop clothes and food off in my room whenever they would like. I plan on continuing this for years to come,” said Izquierdo.

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