FCCLA starts off year with a pop

September 10 kicked off the start of the 2013-2014 year of Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, or FCCLA, a curriculum-based club. All interested students who have taken or are registered to be in a Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) class gathered in Mrs. Blackwelder’s room for an introductory meeting.

Attendees of the meeting met the officers, played get-to-know-you games and enjoyed ice cream sundaes. They also learned the basics of the club including information about the various goals, values and competitions that make FCCLA unique.

Emma Taylor, FCCLA president, said, “[W]e are a very welcoming group…we enjoy getting to know people.”

Joining FCCLA definitely has it’s benefits. Mrs. Blackwelder, the advisor, says FCCLA, as an honors club, works to develop each member as a leader. In an email interview, Blackwelder said, “Students spend time focusing on real life skills, building leadership potential, and learning how to be a productive and active member of society.”

Seemingly, these factors are appealing to students, resulting in a successful first meeting.

“The first meeting saw the MOST participation ever. We had OVER 60 students come to hear about FCCLA…The balloon stomp was a big hit!” said Blackwelder via email.

Blackwelder and the club’s officers look forward to seeing more members joining in the future.

“We are excited to launch a campaign for ‘Bring a friend, get a discount’ for our next meeting,” said Blackwelder via email.

The next meeting will be on October 8 and will be in room 147. There will be a trick-or-treat themed party, and the participants should wear red.

“We [also] have a TON of fun events planned for this year! We will be doing Zumba, tye dye, cooking, building a float, traveling to Greensboro and Houston, and doing community service!” said Blackwelder via email.

With all the exciting plans already on the FCCLA calendar, the club officials hope to have a bigger and better year this year. Any of those who could not make the interest meeting are still welcome to join.

For more details visit the club’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/groups/leesvillefccla.

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