Humble hero receives home

“Who wouldn’t give an ugly pair of feet to serve these amazing people?” said First Lieutenant Nathan Rimpf as he received the keys to his new home on November 7. These words show the indescribable gratitude and humility exuded by Rimpf, Leesville graduate of 2006.

Nathan Rimpf, Leesville graduate, humbly addresses his friends, family and supporters. He was Operation: Coming Home's sixth recipient of a home.
Nathan Rimpf, Leesville graduate, humbly addresses his friends, family and supporters. He was Operation: Coming Home’s sixth recipient of a home.

Rimpf is the sixth recipient of a home courtesy of Operation: Coming Home, an organization that donates homes to wounded veterans who served in the Middle East. After stepping on an IED (improvised explosive device) in Afghanistan on July 8 of last year, Rimpf is now a double amputee and walks and runs with prosthetic legs. He has made a speedy and inspirational recovery.

The ceremony began with live music by a local band, followed by ceremonial bagpipes and a military band. Rimpf arrived on a dune buggy and received applause from his family, friends, supporters and fellow servicemen and women. As soon as Rimpf exited the buggy, the formerly cloudy sky became flooded with sunshine.

The key ceremony for Hero Home Six included recognition of a litany of generous donors and numerous short speeches by their representatives. The mutual exchange of “thanks” between Rimpf and the many donors was moving to say the least.

The ceremony concluded with a surprise grand finale. Spectators watched in amazement as four parachuters cascaded to the lot across the street from Rimpf’s abode. The parachuter attached to a 40ft American flag delivered the keys to Rimpf, as Phillip Phillip’s “Home” was performed in the background.

Needless to say, the ceremony was moving and uplifting to all in attendance. Nathan Rimpf’s service and humility will be forever appreciated by his Leesville family.


For current information about Nathan’s journey:    Nathan Rimpf Support Fund Facebook page




2 responses to “Humble hero receives home”

  1. LOVE this article!!! I do not know this writer, but she is something else!! Keep these good stories coming!!!!!

  2. Camille, you have a bright future ahead in journalism! Out of all the coverage of this special event for our family, YOUR interpretation rings out as clearly the best! No one else mentioned the bagpipes or the live band (both which we enjoyed!).
    I also loved the way you described the clouds lifting when Nathan exited the dune buggy…wow! I hope and pray that others in attendance experienced a similar array of emotion as the ones you shared in your article.
    Thank you for honoring Nathan and his service and sacrifice with this beautifully written article in the Mycenean! I would love to get a copy if you still print the school newspaper…
    Cindy Rimpf (Nate’s mom)

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